We rented a boat and driver for just the two of us. Martin did not want to book onto a tour so th.is did work out to be alot more fun. Our guide took us across the bay and snorkeled in three different places. One around a sunken ship, one around some coral and then into the cove where there are these huge rock formations that we could snorkel around.
Martin is holding a puffer fish! He is really cute. Our guide pressed his little body together and water would shoot right out of his ears and mouth, really funny! I held him too but soon discovered my hands were covered in slimy mucus..yuk! The top right picture is the rock formation I mentioned earlier with a cove that we could snorkel in. It was really amazing to see all the different kinds of fish swimming around and thru the rocks.
Here's a picture of our guide, his name is Freddy and he let me drive our boat! It was such a fun day to be out on the bay and to look back towards the peninsula was such a gorgeous view. The second from the top right hand picture shows our villa and the peninsula. Underneath us is more villas and a resort closer to the beach. Our villa is the one on the very top left side so you can see why we have such a spectacular view.
Finally we went for dinner at a restaurant which was right on the beach overlooking our favourite place to spend our days, in Miramar. The waves are really fun and the water is like a bathtub.