Sunday, January 23, 2011

Boxing Day Dinner 2010

Welcome home Jordan from Jerusalem! Jordan put on his kafia when he came upstairs to greet everyone. We were all glad to see him and catch up on his travel experiences. We decided this year to have one dinner for all the kids which is a lot together with the grand children but it turned out great! Every one helped out by bringing a dish which lessened the workload so we all could enjoy and catch up with everyone. The grandchildren were so good and I think they really felt the enjoyment of us all being together as one large family.

We did a little rearranging of furniture to make more room and once dinner was served we all spread around the house and it worked great!

Always the big brother taking care of his sister, Riley is helping Hailey as Taylor looks on patiently.

Our four little princesses were very content with their own dinner table downstairs with the toys close by.

Here we have Mike, Marc, Aline and Fawn settled in to chow down.

Jordan and Crystal found a spot to eat. Crystal can never get enough of Jordan when he's in town. We did feed the kids earlier which was a smart thing to do. The older kids were happy watching their new movie Toy Story III so there was just the babies wondering around being their cute selves.

Here is Lee, Nicole, Michel and Melissa.

Great picture Jonathan, you're son nonchalantly takes a drink from your glass, a wine glass, with no wine of course, but Taylor looks so relaxed like he's done this before at other parties!

Crystal and nice to have my girls together here for Christmas.

Jessica desperately tries to keep Hailey and Taylor off the table but fails miserably! Our table is just the right size for them to easily climb onto and it's so smooth and slippery...what fun!

I had so much fun going around to get candid pictures of everyone enjoying the party. Here's Crystal, Jonathan, Aline and Taylor who has become quite photogenic!

I thought I'd better get the grand kids all together for a picture. We are missing Edward though but we got him on New Years Day for an official picture of all the grand children. This picture didn't turn out too bad as it's such a challenge to get them all looking at you and to smile too!

We were thrilled to have this picture with the grandchildren as our current pictures are outdated and more babies have been added to our crew.

Next we decided to have just my kids and grandkids with us and thrilled how well it turned out with all the grandkids in particular were so attentive!

Then we wanted a picture of us with just Martin's kids and again it turned out great! Just missing Katie, Adrian and Edward who went to Saskatchewan for Christmas with Adrian's family.

And finally, the two families together! Martin was so smart to bring out his tripod so we could include everyone which was brilliant as the grandkids loved when he put on the timer. As we all counted down the 10 seconds and they got a kick out of it with their little eyes on the camera, just what you'd want. We took it about three times and each time they participated. It was so much fun and just a delight to have all of us together. In total there was 22 of us. This year was our 10th anniversary and I love this picture which shows how we have grown as a family. I know we're not done yet so we'll do this again but we are so thankful and love all of our kids and their kids, we are so blessed!

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