Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year's Eve 2010

For my birthday on New Year's Eve it has become a tradition to go our for lunch with whichever of my kids are in town a that time, but this year they were all here! Being together is the best birthday gift they could give me! We had sooo much fun! Laughter is truly the best medicine because I wasn't feeling that well, just tired but as these next pictures demonstrate that we just laughed ourselves silly which truly made me feel better! If anyone is to blame it's Jordan cause he is so funny and then when us girls start laughing we just can't stop!

Here we all are, we managed to compose ourselves for this picture that our server took for us. This is actually after we're done lunch and ready to go shopping!

So here is me and Crystal enjoying ourselves, pretty normal pose.

I was getting a little more giggly.

Oh, here we go....the laughter begins.

It's getting worse, not sure if I can control myself...

Oh, we lost it! Just couldn't gain control! I believe we were making a scene in the restaurant but when realizing that we laughed even more!

Okay, we got our composure finally. Now it was time to take some pictures of the other side of the table.

Nice picture of these two...

Oh, oh...they're starting to get the giggles...

Jessica is wondering if they can hold on....

Jess caved and Jordan got that look and then we're all off laughing uncontrollably again. Our waitress was very patient with us when she came by to check in on us. We were pretty silly but it was fun to goof around and not act your age, especially me!

And of course the self portraits, they're always so fun!

Thank you to my kids for the great lunch filled with so much laughter and fun I'll always cherish.

So, afterwards we always go shopping but we ran out of time as it closed at 5pm on New Years so we'll have to start earlier next year! I'm looking forward to it already!

New Year's Eve Night

I had a great birthday. After our fun lunch, shopping spree and a nap my sweet husband took me out for dinner at St. Germain restaurant. We did this last year at New Years Eve and it was so great so we thought we do it again, hoping for the same experience. Not so much, they had a special menu which was excellent but we had poor service.

A lady from the table that you can see the reflection above us took our picture at the restaurant. The food is very good here though.

After dinner we just went up to our room in the Hotel Arts which was really nice. We had done this the year before and had a great time, but this year was rather unpleasant with a crowd from the New Year's Eve party in the ballroom spilling out onto the street and breaking out into fights, lasting from 2:00 AM until around 3:30. Many police cars and ambulances were called in, and even more unfortunately, this was all taking place under our window that was 3 floors up. Oh well, the hotel did reduce our rate and gave us our room service breakfast for free, which eased our frustration a bit. We'll likely have different plans for next year. Martin always struggles to find a way to make my birthday special when there are so many distractions.

Nice bathroom with a big soaker tub. Very nice room and it made it special, liked we escaped from the Christmas and holiday rush, so it was a nice break.

Really was nice and I had a wonderful birthday surrounded by all my favourite people whom I love so much! Thank you!

Martin's birthday is exactly 2 weeks after mine on January 14th and I would like to thank his kids who treated us both to a wonderful evening at La Luna Rossa restaurant. This was one of our favourite neighbourhood restaurants but had closed down months ago and we had no idea that they didn't close down but had relocated. Thanks to Lee, Nicole's boyfriend who arranged a special dinner with a menu that the chef did especially for us and Lee provided the wine from his store which made it a wonderful birthday for Martin and me. I can't believe not one picture was taken with all the Iphones available! We were just having too much fun! Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh that really was sooooooo much fun on your Birthday Mom!! I LOVE that tradition, and it is so fun when Jords around to make us laugh like we're kids! You look so nice in the pictures of Martin and you...just too bad what happened. And that was nice of Martin kids what they did for his Birthday.
